What a long and wet winter!

Concrete chimney with steel flues temporarily in place.  To the right of the concrete
chimney will be aluminum windows which will rise up and over the chimney
and meet the windows and doors on the other side.  In effect, this whole facade
will be concrete, glass and aluminum.  
First fire!

We shored and shored and shored in
preparation for the concrete pour.  

Second floor:  view of the 'pantograph' stair leading to to the roof and, to the left,
a mock up of the shower enclosure.

Stair to the roof deck.

Another view of the bathroom.

Tall (13ft) window at the top of the
stairway, as viewed from the bathroom.
We've taken to calling it the 'light-scoop',
it being perfectly oriented to capture winter sun.

First floor:  flared window in the gable.
Finally we have a few sunny days in which
to install the roof.  Beneath this white, rubber membrane
is between 11 and 5 inches of solid insulation.  The
insulation has an integral taper to it which allows
the water to run off. 

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