January 1, 2011: Concrete, Night, a New Year

Wow!  Almost ready for concrete.  We pour on Tuesday!  4 yards of concrete = 16,000 lbs.
  It better hold!  I'm nervous.

Concrete mix:  60/40, 6 sack with 35 lbs. of fly-ash and a
high-grade plasticizer to create a 3,000 psi mix with a 6" slump.  Oh,
and since it's cold weather, we'll be adding a non-chloridic accelerator to ensure
proper hydration.  Did you get that?  There'll be a test later.

Oh, and for scale, the green step ladder is 6 feet tall.
Did I mention I'm nervous?!

Kaleb, working on the rebar.  Notice the Sono-Tubes which we placed temporarily
 to mock-up what will be the steel chimney pipes.  

Working on the curved vaulted roof above the stairway.

One of my night photos.  You can see where I get my ideas!  I've always loved industrial buildings.
The house at night.

Photo/Computer montage from the design phase.
Hey, the real thing is pretty close!

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